Bosna i Hercegovina
Uprava za indirektno - neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Управа за индиректно опорезивање

Requirements and credential

Here you can find the necessary information on the documentation required for the submission of various requests by taxpayers to the ITA, and on the necessary fees that need to be paid with the submission of the same.

Documents to be submitted for VAT registration

A person liable to VAT shall submit the following documents attached to the application (as photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified photocopies):
*** NOTE: If registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers is required on multiple grounds, any joint documents shall be submitted in only one copy.

(1) A person liable to VAT registration pursuant to Article 57 of the Law on VAT, and a person submitting an application for voluntary registration pursuant to Article 44 and Article 61 of the Law on VAT, shall, in addition to the application, submit the following documents as photocopies accompanied with their originals or as certified photocopies:

  • a) legal person:
    • 1) a decision on entry in the court register for all VAT registrations;
    • 2) a registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, if the thirteen-digit TIN number   assigned by the competent tax administrations of the entities or Brčko District of BiH is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register;
    • 3) ID card of the owner and responsible persons of the legal person, the applicant;
    • 4) a document of the competent authority in compliance with the regulations regulating the field of work and residence of foreigners in BiH, for the foreign citizen responsible person;
    • 5) power of attorney authorising a BiH citizen to represent a taxpayer in proceedings with the ITA, in case of absence of the responsible person-foreign citizen;
    • 6) a passport or another identification document for the owner and the responsible person-foreign citizen and
    • 7) specimen signature card certified by the commercial bank at which the transaction account was opened (for all open transaction accounts) and a notification regarding the main account designated with an authorised payment organisation, pursuant to the entities' regulations on internal payment system.
  • b) natural person – entrepreneur and a natural person citizen:
    • 1) decision/approval by the competent administrative authority for the performance of an activity, except for a natural person – citizen being registered for VAT within the meaning of the provisions of Article 44, paragraph 6), Article 61 and Article 57, paragraph (1) and paragraph (12) of the Law on VAT;
    • 2) applicant's ID card;
    • 3) a registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, (except for a natural person – citizen being registered for VAT within the meaning of the provisions of Article 44, paragraph (6), Article 61 and Article 57, paragraph (1) and paragraph (12) of the Law on VAT);
    • 4) specimen signature card certified by the commercial bank at which the transaction account was opened (for all open transaction accounts) or other proof of an open transaction account for a natural person – citizen performing a taxable activity and a notification regarding the main account, designated with an authorised payment organisation, pursuant to the entities' regulations on the internal payment system;
    • 5) a document of the competent authority in compliance with the regulations regulating the field of work and residence of foreigners in BiH and a passport or other identification document for a natural person-entrepreneur, a foreign citizen and
    • 6) power of attorney authorising a BiH citizen to represent a taxpayer in proceedings with the ITA, in case of absence of the natural person-entrepreneur
  • c) depending on the type of registration, the person shall submit, along with an application for registration:
    • 1) proof of having obtained the right to dispose of goods, for the cases of registration of persons (Article 57. paragraph (12) of the Law on VAT);
    • 2) the final income statement of associated persons or consolidated income statement for the cases of joint registration of persons (Article 59 of the Law on VAT);
    • 3) a lease agreement, for registration of persons who rent premises (except for living) pursuant to Article 57, paragraph (1) and Article 61, paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (6) of the Law on VAT;
    • 4) a land registry document for estates issued by the competent authority of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, for the registration of persons performing land farming activities, pursuant to Article 57, paragraph (1) and Article 61, paragraph (1) of the Law on VAT, and for registration of persons pursuant to Article 61, paragraph (4) of the Law on VAT;
    • 5) a certificate of the competent authority that the applicant is involved in land farming activities, for registration of persons pursuant to Article 57, paragraph (1) and Article 61, paragraph (1) of the Law on VAT;
    • 6) a written consent of the tenant, for voluntary VAT registration on already established tenancies, for registration of persons pursuant to Article 61, paragraph (3) of the Law on VAT;
    • 7) a facility purchase contract,  for registration of persons pursuant to Article 61, paragraph (4) and 6) of the Law on VAT;
    • 8) a facility construction contract, for registration of persons pursuant to Article 61, paragraph (4) and (6) of the Law on VAT;
    • 9) a facility purchase contract and a facility construction contract for a person tranferring the right to dispose of newly built facilities or economically divisible units, pursuant to Article 4, paragraph (3) point (4) of the Law on VAT, and for the registration pursuant to Article 57, paragraph (1) and Article 44, paragraph (6) of the Law on VAT.
  • d) For registration pursuant to Article 60 of the Law on VAT :
    • 1) an agency agreement with a tax attorney and a power of attorney containing the information about the name, ID number and place of residence, or place of the activity of the tax attorney who is permanently established in BiH;
    • 2) a contract or another document as proof of carrying out a taxable activity in the territory of BiH;
    • 3) a document on the entry in the register of the domicile competent authority, with an official translation into one of the official languages of BiH;
    • 4) a passport or another identification document of the owner and of the responsible person of the applicant  - foreign citizens and
    • 5) a specimen signature card certified by the comercial bank at which a special transaction account was opened for a tax attorney who does not hold residence in BiH, and through which BiH business market transactions will be conducted (for all open transaction accounts) and a notification regarding the main account designated with an authorised payment organisation, pursuant to the entities' regulations on the internal payment system.
  • a) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in: b) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in c) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:
    • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: fee for an application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit bank d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit bank a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722801
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0
    • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a Decision on registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722802
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0
    • The amount of: 20.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a certificate of registration/entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Reference number: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722814
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0

An application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers shall be submitted at the competent regional centre – Tax Division – Taxpayer services group.
A decision and certificate on the registration and entry in the Single Register shall be issued by the Taxpayer Services Division of the Tax Sector at the Headquarters.
All additional information may be obtained on our contact phone number at the regional centres and the Headquarters by employees who are directly responsible for this portion of the services provided by the Indirect Taxation Authority:

  • RC Banja Luka – contact phone number: 051/222-626; 051/222-627;
  • RC Mostar – contact phone number: 036/356-797;
  • RC Sarajevo – contact phone number: 033/246-149; 033/246-040;
  • RC Tuzla – contact phone number: 035/368-087; 035/368-084;
  • Headquarters – contact phone number: 051/335-345; 051/335-255.
Documents to be submitted for the registration of foreign trade activities

A person registered in BiH for foreign trade business activities shall submit the following documents attached to the application (as photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified photocopies):

  • a)  legal persons – a decision of the competent court, and for other persons – a decision of another competent authority, on allowing foreign trade activities;
  • b) A registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, if the thirteen-digit TIN number assigned by the competent tax administrations of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register;
  • c) A specimen signature card certified by the business bank at which the transaction account was opened (for all open transaction accounts) and a notification regarding the main account designated with an authorised payment organisation, pursuant to the entities' regulations on internal payment system.
  • d) ID cards of the owner and responsible persons of the legal person; the applicant;
  • e) a document of the competent authority in compliance with the regulations which regulate the area of work and residence of foreigners in BiH, for the foreign citizen responsible person;
  • f) a passport or other identification document for the owner and the responsible person-foreign citizen;
  • g) power of attorney authorising a BiH citizen to represent a taxpayer in proceedings with the ITA, in case of absence of the responsible person-foreign citizen.
  • a) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:
    • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: fee for an application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit bank a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722801
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0
  • b) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in: c) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:
    • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a Decision on registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit bank d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit bank a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722801
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0
    • The amount of: 20.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money tranfer: issuance fee for a certificate of registration/entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Reference number: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722814
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0

An application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers shall be submitted at the competent regional centre – Tax Division – Taxpayer services group.
A decision and certificate on the registration and entry in the Single Register issued by the Taxpayer Services Division of the Tax Sector at the Headquarters.
All additional information may be obtained on our contact phone number at the regional centres and the Headquarters by employees who are directly responsible for this portion of the services provided by the Indirect Taxation Authority:

  • RC Banja Luka – contact phone number: 051/222-626; 051/222-627;
  • RC Mostar – contact phone number: 036/356-797;
  • RC Sarajevo – contact phone number: 033/246-149; 033/246-040;
  • RC Tuzla – contact phone number: 035/368-087; 035/368-084;
  • Headquarters – contact phone number: 051/335-345; 051/335-255.
Documents to be submitted for international freight forwarding registration

In order to pursue representation duties before customs authorities for carrying out activities and proceedings provided for by customs regulations, a person registered in BiH who is carrying out foreign trade business activities and international freight forwarding shall submit the following documents attached to the application (as photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified photocopies):

  • a) A certificate/licence of fulfillment of the requirements for carrying out international freight forwarding issued by a competent authority, in accordance with the regulations regulating that field;
  • b) A certificate or another relevant proof of fulfillment of the requirements for carrying out freight forwarding for persons employed at the applicant to perform such activities.
  • (2) If registration and entry in the register is requested for a business unit, a certificate/licence of fulfillment of the requirements for carrying out international freight forwarding for that business unit and a certificate or a relevant proof of fulfillment of the requirements for carrying out freight forwarding for persons employed at the business unit to perform such activities shall be submitted.
  • (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of this Article, other proofs shall be taken into account in the registration procedure on the basis of carrying out international freight forwarding of persons who carry out the aforementioned activities in their own name and for their own account (decision of the competent court on carrying out international freight forwarding, a certificate or another relevant proof of fulfillment of the requirements for carrying out international freight forwarding for persons employed at the applicant to perform such activities) in accordance with the regulations of the competent authorities of the entities and the Brčko District of BiH.
  • (4) The person referred to in this Article shall also fulfill the requirements for registration on the basis of carrying out foreign trade operations in order to be registered for carrying out international freight forwarding.
  • a) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:
    • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: fee for an application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit bank a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722801
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0
  • b) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:
    • The amount of: 10.00 KM
    • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a Decision on registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit bank a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722801
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0
  • c) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:
    • The amount of: 20.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a certificate of registration/entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Reference number: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722814
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0

An application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers shall be submitted at the competent regional centre – Tax Division – Taxpayer services group.
A decision and certificate on the registration and entry in the Single Register shall be issued by the Taxpayer Services Division of the Tax Sector at the Headquarters.
All additional information may be obtained on our contact phone number at the regional centres and the Headquarters by employees who are directly responsible for this portion of the services provided by the Indirect Taxation Authority:

  • RC Banja Luka – contact phone number: 051/222-626; 051/222-627;
  • RC Mostar – contact phone number: 036/356-797;
  • RC Sarajevo – contact phone number: 033/246-149; 033/246-040;
  • RC Tuzla – contact phone number: 035/368-087; 035/368-084;
  • Headquarters – contact phone number: 051/335-345; 051/335-255.
Documents to be submitted for the registration of excise taxpayers

(1) An excise taxpayer shall submit the following documents, as photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified photocopies, attached to the application:

  • a) legal person – manufacturer and/or importer:
    • 1) A decision on entry in the court register;
    • 2) A registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, if the thirteen-digit TIN number  assigned by the competent tax administrations of the entities or Brčko District of BiH is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register;
    • 3) ID card of the owner and responsible persons;
    • 4) Registration of the warehouse for excise products and/or raw materials;
    • 5) Registration of the manufacturing facility for the legal person – excise products manufacturer.
  • b) natural person - entrepreneur:
    • 1) A decision/approval of the competent administrative authority on allowing the business activities;
    • 2) A registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH;
    • 3) The natural person's – entrepreneur's ID card and
    • 4) An application for manufacturing facility and warehouse for excise products and raw materials.
  • c) A legal person or entrepreneur for which another person manufactures excise products shall submit the following documents attached to the application (as  photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified photocopies):
    • 1) A decision on entry in the court register or decision/approval of the competent administrative authority on allowing the business activity;
    • 2) A registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, if the thirteen-digit TIN number assigned by the competent tax administrations of the entities or Brčko District of BiH is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register;
    • 3) A  contract on the provision of excise products production services;
    • 4) ID card of the owner and responsible persons;
    • 5) Registration of the warehouse for excise products and/or raw materials;
    • 6) Registration of the manufacturing facility for excise products manufacturer carrying out the production services.
  • d) A legal person or entrepreneur who purchases alcoholic beverages, natural fruit brandies and wines directly from a citizen-manufacturer who is not an excise taxpayer, shall submit the following documents attached to the application, as photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified copies:
    • 1) A decision of the competent authority of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH on allowing the business activity;
    • 2) A registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, if the thirteen-digit TIN number assigned by the competent tax administrations of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register;
    • 3) A declaration of intent to purchase excise products from a citizen-manufacturer who is not an excise taxpayer;
    • 4) ID cards of the owner and responsible persons of the legal persons, or the ID card of a natural person-entrepreneur and
    • 5) Registration of the warehouse for excise products
  • e) in addition to the above-mentioned documents, the person referred to in Points a) to d) shall submit the following documents attached to the application, as photocopies accompanied with the original or as certified photocopies:  
    • 1) A specimen signature card certified by the commercial bank at which the transaction account was opened (for all open transaction accounts) and a notification regarding the main account, designated with an authorised payment organisation, pursuant to the entities' regulations on the internal payment system;
    • 2) A document of the competent authority in compliance with the regulations regulating the field of work and residence of foreigners in BiH for a responsible person of the foreign citizen and a passport or other identification document for the owner and responsible person-foreign citizens;
    • 3) Power of attorney authorising a BiH citizen to represent a taxpayer in proceedings with the ITA, in case of absence of the responsible person-foreign citizen.
  • f) acquired companies
    • 1) if a company was acquired from a natural person, it is necessary to submit a photocopy of the previous owner's ID card;
    • 2) if a company was acquired from a legal person, it is necessary to submit the decision on entry in the court register for the previous owner and the registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH, if the thirteen digit TIN number assigned by the competent tax administrations of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register;
    • It is necessary to submit the decision on entry in the court register for the previous owner and the registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District for the previous owner attached to the application, if the thirteen-digit TIN number assigned by the competent tax administration or the Brčko District is not indicated in the decision on entry in the court register.
  • (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) point a) indent 4) of this Article,  a legal person trading in excise products for a known buyer without previous warehousing, shall submit a proof of performing the aforementioned trading, or a proof of contracted work.

(2) Exceptionally, a legal person who trades in excise products for a known buyer without previous warehousing shall submit a proof of having performed the aforementioned type of traffic, or a proof of contracted work.

  • a) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in the amount of:
    • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
    • Purpose of money transfer: fee for an application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
    • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
    • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
      • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit bank d.d. Mostar)
      • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit bank a.d. Banja Luka)
      • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • Type of payment: 0
    • Type of revenue: 722801
    • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
    • Budget organisation:
      • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
      • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
      • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
      • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
    • Reference number: 0

b) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:

  • The amount of: 10.00 BAM
  • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a Decision on registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
  • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
  • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
    • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
    • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
  • Type of payment: 0
  • Type of revenue: 722802
  • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
  • Budget organisation:
    • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
    • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
    • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
    • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.
  • Reference number: 0

c) An original payment slip as proof of having paid the administrative fee in:

  • The amount of: 20.00 BAM
  • Purpose of money transfer: issuance fee for a certificate of registration/entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers
  • Recipient: TREASURY OF BiH TSA
  • Recipient's bank account number: one of the specified accounts
    • 3380002210018390 (Unicredit banka d.d. Mostar)
    • 5556000031201417 (Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • 5517902220404858 (Unicredit banka a.d. Banja Luka)
    • 5620128137723339 (NLB Banka a.d. Banja Luka)
  • Reference number: 0
  • Type of revenue: 722814
  • Municipality: code of the payer's municipality (code for the payment of the entities' public revenues)
  • Budget organisation:
    • 2403002 - Banja Luka regional centre;
    • 2403003 – Mostar regional centre;
    • 2403004 – Sarajevo regional centre;
    • 2403005 – Tuzla regional centre.

Reference number: 0

*** NOTE :

- acquired companies:

  • if a company has been acquired from a natural person, it is necessary to submit a photocopy of the previous owner's ID card,
  • if a company was acquired from a legal person, it is necessary to submit the decision on entry in the court register for the previous owner and the registration certificate issued by the competent tax administration of the entities or the Brčko District of BiH for the previous owner.

- legal person, trading in for a known buyer:

  • Exceptionally, a legal person trading in excise products for a known buyer without previous warehousing, shall submit a proof of having performed the aforementioned trading, or a proof of contracted work.

An application for registration and entry in the Single Register of Indirect Taxpayers shall be submitted at the competent regional centre – Tax Division – Taxpayer services group.
A decision and certificate on the registration and entry in the Single Register shall be issued by the Taxpayer Services Division of the Tax Sector at the Headquarters.
All additional information may be obtained on our contact phone number at the regional centres and the Headquarters by employees who are directly responsible for this portion of the services provided by the Indirect Taxation Authority:

  • RC Banja Luka – contact phone number: 051/222-626; 051/222-627;
  • RC Mostar – contact phone number: 036/356-797;
  • RC Sarajevo – contact phone number: 033/246-149; 033/246-040;
  • RC Tuzla – contact phone number: 035/368-087; 035/368-084;
  • Središnji ured – contact phone number: 051/335-345; 051/335-255.
VAT refund

VAT refund to tax payers who have not established their business in B&H

VAT refund to foreign legal persons

For more detailed information on the issue please see Article 53 of the Law on VAT, as well as Articles 93-95 of the Book of Rules on Implementation of the Law on VAT.

VAT refund to foreign citizens

The buyer-foreign citizen who conveys in his luggage he carries abroad the goods purchased in Bosnia and Herzegovina shall exercise the right to VAT refund for the conveyed goods on the basis of refund application which shall, on the buyer’s request, be filled out by the taxable person-seller.

The application for VAT refund shall be submitted on the “PDV-SL-2“ form.

The „PDV-SL-2“ form  shall be completed in three copies: the seller shall give the original and one copy to the buyer, and shall keep the second copy in the records.

The buyer shall exercise the right to VAT refund if upon leaving the customs territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina he presents to the Indirect Taxation Authority the invoices, purchased goods and the original of the completed „PDV-SL-2“ form.

Prior to certifying the „PDV-SL-2“ form, the Indirect Taxation Authority shall be requested to determine if all of the following conditions have been met:

a) the data from the passport match with the data from the „PDV-SL-2“ form,
b) the goods presented are identical to the goods indicated in the „PDV-SL-2“ form  and enclosed invoices, as well as that the goods have not been previously used,
c) total value of goods, VAT inclusive, indicated in the „PDV-SL-2“ form is over BAM 100,
d) the goods are taken out before the expiration of the deadline of three months from the date of delivery (purchase) in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
e) the seller has certified and signed the original “PDV-SL-2” form.

If the above-mentioned conditions have been met, the Indirect Taxation Authority shall certify the original “PDV-SL-2” form and enclosed invoices with a signature and stamp, and shall also enter into the “PDV-SL-2” form the date of taking the goods out of the customs territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The original invoices and certified “PDV-SL-2” form shall be returned to the buyer, while the Indirect Taxation Authority shall keep a copy of the “PDV-SL-2” form for its purposes.

The right to VAT refund for the goods taken out of Bosnia and Herzegovina by foreign persons shall not apply to the mineral oils, alcohol and alcohol beverages, and tobacco products that have been taken out.

The buyer or the person who has submitted VAT refund application (a provider of the certified original “PDV-SL-2” form) shall be refunded the paid VAT if within three months from the date of the invoice issuance he submits to the seller from whom the goods have been purchased the certified original “PDV-SL-2” form in which it is confirmed that the conditions have been met.

Upon expiration of the above-mentioned deadline, a foreign citizen may not exercise the right to VAT refund.

If the certified original “PDV-SL-2” form has been delivered by mail, the buyer or the applicant shall provide the seller with the information on the bank account to which the paid VAT can be refunded, unless the bank account has not been indicated in the “PDV-SL-2” form.

Based on the certified original “PDV-SL-2” form, the seller shall make refund of the paid VAT to the buyer or the applicant, in BAM, either in cash payment or through bank account payment in the bank indicated by the buyer or the applicant.

If it is a cash payment, the seller is obliged to make VAT refund immediately. If the VAT refund is allocated to the bank account of the buyer/applicant, the payment shall be made within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application.

The buyer or the applicant shall acknowledge receipt of VAT refund in cash by signing the certified original “PDV-SL-2” form.

For more detailed information about the issue please see Article 54 of the Law on VAT, as well as Articles 96-105 of the Book of Rules of the Law on VAT implementation.

VAT refund to diplomatic and consular offices, international organisations, members of those missions and their families, in accordance with article 29, paragraph 1) points 1-3 of the law on VAT

Diplomatic and consular offices, international organisations, members of those missions and their families may exercise their right to a refund of VAT (pursuant to Article29, paragraph 1) points 1-3 of the Law on VAT) on the basis of an invoice exceeding 200 BAM, including VAT, unless otherwise regulated by an international treaty, which should be confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Limitations regarding the amount in the invoice, as well as the type of goods and services shall not apply to purchases for the official needs of the mission:

  • Application for VAT refund (pursuant to Article 29, paragraph 1) points 1-3 of the Law on VAT ( CD-VAT 1 form)

It is necessary to submit the following documents attached to the application:

  •  CD-VAT 2 form - (for the mission and each member of the mission),
  • The invoice showing the VAT amount for which VAT is requested,
  • *** NOTE: The invoice shall be issued by a registered taxpayer and shall contain the name of the buyer, the mission or member of the mission. The invoice shall be submitted in original or as a copy certified by the issuer and shall not be older than 12 (twelve) months, except for invoices for utility expenses (electricity, water, telephone etc.) which do not have to be certified
  • Proof of registry with Ministry of foreign affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Proof of the VAT payment for which refund is claimed.

The application for VAT refund (pursuant to Article 29, paragraph 1) points 1-3 of the Law on VAT) shall be submitted once a month to the Sarajevo regional centre – Tax Division – Taxpayer services group or a competent regional centre depending on the headquarters of the mission (Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla). All applications for VAT refunds submitted at the Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla regional centres shall be forwarded for processing to the Sarajevo regional centre.
Any additional information may be obtained on our contact phone numbers at the regional centres by employees who are directly responsible for this portion of the services provided by the Indirect Taxation Authority:

  • RC Banja Luka – contact phone number: 051/222-626; 051/222-627;
  • RC Mostar – contact phone number: 036/356-797;
  • RC Sarajevo – contact phone number: 033/246-154;
  • RC Tuzla – contact phone number: 035/368-087; 035/368-084;

*** NOTE:  Holders of the right to VAT refund may not alienate the purchased goods prior to expiry of a 3 (three) year period from the date of purchase of the goods in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The restriction in alienation of goods shall not apply to goods whose individual value is less than 200 BAM, including VAT.