Bosna i Hercegovina
Uprava za indirektno - neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Управа за индиректно опорезивање

Taxpayer database

Choose search parameters:*

Enter search term (name, VAT...):*

Please enter minimum of 3 characters Please enter all 12 digits

Enter verification code from the image:*

Incorrect entry! Please enter verification code.

Instructions: You can search by part of the company name or by VAT number. If you search by VAT number, you must enter twelve-digit number in the field. If the number does not contain 12 digits or the field is empty, the search will show no results. If you want to search by the part of the taxpayers name, you have to enter at least 3 letters. Verification code is MANDATORY.

Database is updated daily.

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Name VAT number Municipality Street ZIP code City Taxpayer Excise taxpayer Customs taxpayer Representative Status